Obstetrician Visits During Pregnancy
Your subsequent antenatal visits takes about 15 minutes or more as required. Usually your visits are organised for every 4 weeks until 28 weeks, every 2 weeks until 36 weeks and thereafter, weekly till delivery. In each visit, your weight, blood pressure and baby’s well being will be checked by Dr. Kannan. Any concerns or questions you might have will also be addressed by Dr. Kannan appropriately. Dr Kannan will perform an ultrasound scan and you might to get to see the baby’s facial features in a vivid, four dimensional colour picture! You are encouraged to bring your husband/partner for all the visits.
During pregnancy, you need a variety of healthy foods to provide nutrition to yourself and your baby. The following websites might contain useful information about the food and safety during pregnancy.
Partner/husband in pregnancy is an important person and Dr. Kannan likes to involve them in all antenatal visits and decision making process throughout pregnancy. Partner/husband is also a welcome person during antenatal classes, throughout the process of labour and delivery.